This last year and a half has been a challenge in terms of keeping this group going, with all virtual meetings it has certainly been a struggle at times, but there is light at the end of the tunnel! We are in the initial stages of transforming this group into a full fledged non-profit, with the ultimate goal of opening a makerspace in the Apex/ Cary area!
For years, the Triangle Area Makers has been a fantastic resource and outlet for many makers, crafters and tinkerers out there, but we want to do MORE! As a community centric non-profit, we will have the opportunity to really shape the creative landscape and make a lasting impact here in Wake County and beyond!
Beyond just a building with a collection of tools, we hope to truly foster a community of innovation, collaboration and camaraderie that spreads beyond the confines of the space itself.
There are many things that need to happen along the way to make this idea a reality, and we will need your help!
If this sounds like something you would be interested in, be sure to sign up for the mailing list to keep updated, and join the conversation on our Discord channel!
Keep on makin’!